Walk through the streets of Mocorito It is a rewarding experience if you are a lover of Colonial architecture, detailed in more than 80 historic buildings that fill the first painting of this with light, color and life. Magic Town, which is also known as the Athens from Sinaloa, for its cultural, artistic and literary flourishing in 1900.
During January y in February, this destination seems to belong to a painting Van Gogh, for his famous Magical Labyrinth of Sunflowers, covered by these flowers that can measure up to Meters 2, becoming one of the most popular attractions among local families and other communities, who visit the place every year.
According to his chroniclers, it was the first Spanish settlement in the northwest of the country, so among its most valuable treasures we find the Temple of the Immaculate Conception, building completed in 1594, which protects more than 14 engravings of the XVI century that narrate the Via Crucis that Jesus suffered.
It may interest you: El Rosario, a Magical Town of Sinaloa with providential origin
The Parish of the Immaculate Conception in Mocorito, Sinaloa is a beautiful and old construction very frequented by pilgrims and faithful Catholics. If you are planning your wedding, this place may be the option.@Visit_Sinaloa pic.twitter.com/38nZLmHisX
- SECTUR Mexico (@SECTUR_mx) March 24, 2019
The flavor of Mocorito
For the people of Mocori, the Plaza de los Tres Grandes It is a place for family gatherings and celebrations of great events, since here tribute is paid - with sculptures - a Agustina Ramirez, Eustaqui Buelna y Rafael Buelna Tenoriosus, for their exploits, courage, love of their land and contributions for the benefit of society.
But if you want to explore more about this Magic TownYou have to take a tour of his mural Mocorito Ateneo Sinaloense —made with tiny mosaics that reveal the history of the municipality—, which stands on the Rafael Buelna Square. Although there is one more space to delve into its past: the Regional History Museum.
Talk about Mocorito in #Signal is to transport us to historical passages of men and women protagonists of the Mexican Revolution and Reform War: Rafael Balbuena, Agustina Ramírez and Eustaquio Buelna. The Plaza Los Tres Grandes was built in his honor.#TianguisPueblosMágicos pic.twitter.com/tDODI0Mhz0
- SECTUR Mexico (@SECTUR_mx) September 19, 2019
It was inaugurated in 2004 in the Hacienda of Our Lady of Angustias, In House of Portals. His collection is made up of Donations of its own inhabitants, so original documents, archaeological remains, old photos, pieces made with mammoth bone, musical instruments such as drums, old newspapers, furniture from the porfiriato and weapons of the Mexican Revolution.
While exploring its streets and squares, you can smell a very characteristic aroma of this destination: the famous Mocorito o Chilorio, one of its main typical dishes. If you want to know the production process, you just have to go to the factory. Napo, where you will learn everything about this stew pork, chili pepper, it y different species.